聖誕快樂 Merry Christmas!!!

2013-12-22 X'mas 2013pixiv: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=40427110

Let me say to everyone "Merry X'mas!".

This is the first festival after I re-start to manage my blog, so I'd drawn a illustration for this Christmas.  There is a big problem that I have no much time to arrange my blog, and also tutorials.  But I'll keep on right now, until there is no improvement on the flow of here.

Between of speed drawing, I'd not made capture for tutorial.  So I'd like to post few drawing of main steps.

◎草稿 Draft
2013-12-18 草稿

◎線稿(色附) Line Art (colored)
2013-12-19 線稿

◎背景圖案、人物基本色 Background Pattern, Character Base Color
2013-12-21 背圖、基本色

◎完成圖 Complete
2013-12-22 X'mas 2013

   預告      Next Stage

2013-12-14 人形のような店員さん
pixiv: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=40278945

Now I'm arranging a tutorial of a completed work before a week。

Because I'm too concentrated on drawing that I always forgot to make capture screen.  But I'll try my best to arrange this tutorial.



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